Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Things You Didn't Know About San Antonio

I suppose I don't need to tell you this... but it's HOT in San Antonio. Like, melt your face off hot. Luckily, ours stayed in tact for the 2 nights we were there, but I don't know if we would have been as lucky on the 3rd day. Here's a crazy thing I didn't know about San Antonio: it's ridiculously touristy! Who knew The Alamo was a big enough attraction to warrant a Ripley's Believe it or Not & Times Square-esque t-shirt shops? I for sure didn't know. So there we were in tourist-town.

prickly pear marg
Normally, I'm pretty averse to touristy-type things, but my cousin (who once lived there) told us the River Walk was nothing to be afraid of.  It's full of restaurants, shops, and is probably 20 degrees cooler than the streets above. So, off we went... in search of more mexican food & margaritas.  Dear Texas - stop being so good at Mexican food! I surely gained 7-8 pounds in tortillas and cheese... I'm sure the multiple delicious margaritas had nothing to do with it - and I'll never blame them!

Another thing you don't know - ducks love mexican food. We encountered multiple ducks of this variety & if you don't feed them their favorite food, they nip at your legs. Ron learned that the hard way & now can't look a duck in the eyes again. Poor guy.  If only he'd handed over that tortilla. 

Since I wasn't prepared for the touristyness of the town, I also wasn't prepared for our hotel to be resort-like. We had exotic birds roaming around, a pool with a mini waterfall, and fruit-infused water in the lobby. I mean, lets face it... this type of hotel isn't an every-night occurance out on the road, so I took full advantage of the situation. Ron and the boys (minus Josiah, who seemed to be the only one with a brain that day) all went to go play baseball in the 100° heat. Josiah and I hung back to tan (aka freckle) ourselves by the pool. Our poor skin... so not used to these types of rays, so our fair faces got a tad burned. Lesson in sunscreen noted.

I'm going to go ahead and apologize for this overly boring post. Not my best, I'll admit. Oh, but you know what this means?? It means you're all caught up on Texas! Not one other good thing happened. I'll just cut it off here and give you the pictures. Everyone loves pictures!

the offending duck/the offended Ron
pretty pool

thanks thanks thanks, hotel
the river walk
the river walk
if you didn't know, when you go touristing with boys, they are not interested in pictures. Self portrait. You're welcome
The Alamo at night (when the guys were watching basketball)
The Alamo at night... spooky and pretty
please note the Crockett Hotel. PLEASE.

1 comment:

  1. This was not a boring post. I think I would like to see San Antonio too. Your pictures of the Alamo were great. Boy, would I love some of the food and drinks you were having. Aunt Jane
