Wednesday, June 6, 2012

smallest of small

...towns, that is!

Yesterday we ended up in one for dinner. We were on one of those epic drives that seems like you'll surely die before you get to wherever you're going... just from natural, old age causes - nothing traumatic (knock on wood) (we do that, if you didn't know) (we knock on wood) (what's up with the parentheses? back to the point...).

progressive S&P. Mr. Salt & Mr. Pepper live together
So, in the middle of east bumblewherever, Cousin Carl Yelped to see what sort of food options were close. Choices: Chinese food or a cafe - River City Eatery in Windom, MN. While I've been known to demolish some sesame chicken, the middle of nowheresville is not the place to attempt this... especially with 4 hours left to Omaha. Trust me, one night after a wedding in a small town (yet larger than this one), my friends and I consumed embarrassing amounts of Chinese food - AND IT WAS THE WRONG DECISION. Lesson learned. So, off to the cafe we went. 

I'm not sure if it was the aforementioned epic drive or if this place was actually legit, but it was AMAZING. The River City Eatery did not disappoint & was overly cute to boot. It was so wonderful that Zach wondered if we'd all wake up and realize we were eating sand or dirt due to a state of hallucination. PLUS - they had wine that was $3.50 a glass. My lush of a heart, she soars. 

So, we filled up on pesto hummus & red pepper feta dip with warm pita... lasagna twists... various salads... root beer... $3.50 wine (actually that was only me)... and hit the road again. 

small. town.

pesto party!

pearls of wisdom from the bathroom
Josiah being Josiah

Now, off to finish laundry. A terrible, but necessary part of being away from New York. 

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