Saturday, August 25, 2012

something for you to do.

I know you're dying to know, but I haven't decided on that camera bag yet...

I know... I leave for NYC in 4 days. Crunch time.

So speaking of that - you know I'll be taking a zillion pics & telling you about our adventures, but the fabulous Kyle McCammon (Ron's bass player) is going to be doing a little photo-a-day proj & I highly suggest you follow. 

search him out on instagram and follow his tumblr: Got that? good. 

Quoting his tumblr exactly: 

I’m starting a Portrait of the Day project on the upcoming Across the Yard Tour with Ron Pope.  To help kick off the project I’m posting this picture of Carl Garofalo on his birthday! Happy Birthday Carl!!!  
In addition to posting a portrait everyday, I’m going to be posting a little bit about the person and a link to follow them.  I’m always amazed by the vastly different and interesting people you can meet across the country so, I’m excited to share that experience with you all.
Follow Carl on Twitter
Get your tickets for a show near you!
Also, make sure to check out the opening acts.
Sep 5th-29th
Megan Tonjes
Oct 15th-27th
Jesse Ruben

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Hey party people.

If you follow me on anything or know me personally, you are probably aware that we're going back on the road in just over two weeks! Excitement! I honestly have some mixed emotions on this fact, but I do love seeing your singing faces at the shows. If you haven't seen tour dates yet - you best get on that HERE

SO - down to business. I need a new camera bag. I know it sounds boring, but it's not, I swear. Well, maybe it is, but I still need your help. If you aren't aware, people are making all sorts of purse-like bags that protect the cam gear AND can double as a purse if they are made functionally enough. I'm not talking go out in my cutest outfit purse, but can 100% work for a show night. They make them for boys too, but at the moment I only care about myself. But I can't pick... help! Narrowed down to the following:

#1 is ginormous, but incredibly functional; #2 is cute, small, & functional, but I don't love the flap; #3 is pretty great; #4 is the cheapest, but doesn't look like it could really double as a purse; #5 can hold my laptop AND camera gear AND can be a back pack BUT is the most expensive... also that one isn't very purse like... but I think I could make it work.

whatdoya think? comment/email/facebook. and go! 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

a party.

what do you get when you combine 11 (sort of) adults, a boat, a lake, a fridge full of booze, a mexican feast, and an intense game of charades? ADULT SPRING BREAK. Or summer break, I guess. 

life on the lake is wonderful.

do I have to go live on the road again? 

don't worry, we recycled those bottles we're holding in the lake. What do you think we are, HEATHENS??? GAH.  

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

gone fishin'


everyone fishes with champagne, right?

the boys fished, the girls chatted and drank champagne. everything was all right...

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Le Lake.

I've really enjoyed being away from everything this month. As much as I am enamored with New York, it's fair to have a break once in a while. We have space, sunshine, and happy hours on a dock here. We might not have someone to deliver us thai food at 2AM, but we do have that stuff. Check it.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

We're Coming to Visit!

Did you see? We're coming to visit again! Don't worry, you don't have to clean your house or cook or anything. You just have to show up at our party! So far, we've only announced September stops... we'll be letting you guys know about October soon. LET ME REPEAT: WE'LL LET YOU KNOW ABOUT MORE DATES SOON. Before you go getting all crazy and yelling "RON POPE, WHY AREN'T YOU COMING HERE? I HATE YOU! I LOVED YOU SO MUCH AND YOU'RE IGNORING ME." No. Just, no. I've already seen some of this nonsense on Facebook. 

Anyway - here are the September dates. Come see Ron & the boys do their thing... and say hello to me!

Wednesday, September 5th - Syracuse, NY - Westcott Theater SYRACUSE TICKETS

Thursday, Septmber 6th - Rochester, NY - Abilene ROCHESTER TICKETS

Friday, September 7th - Toronto, ON, Canada - Virgin Mobile Mod Club TORONTO TICKETS

Saturday, September 8th - Pontiac, MI - Venue will be announced shortly!!!

Sunday, September 9th - Akron, OH - Musica AKRON TICKETS

Monday, September 10th - Pittsburgh, PA - Hard Rock Cafe PITTSBURGH TICKETS

Tuesday, September 11th - Columbus, OH - Rumba Cafe (on sale soon)

Thursday, September 13th - Indianapolis, IN - Radio Radio (on sale soon)

Friday, September 14th - Battle Creek, MI - Planet Rock (on sale soon)

Saturday, September 15th - Chicago, IL - Beat Kitchen CHICAGO TICKETS

Sunday, September 16th - Madison, WI - Redmate Cafe (on sale soon)

Tuesday, September 18th - Kansas City, MO - Czar Bar KANSAS CITY TICKETS

Thursday, September 20th - Dallas, TX - Trees DALLAS TICKETS

Friday, September 21st - Houston, TX - House of Blues HOUSTON TICKETS

Sunday, September 23rd - Austin, TX - Beauty Ballroom AUSTIN TICKETS

Thursday, September 27th - Tempe, AZ - Red Owl TEMPE TICKETS

Friday, September 28th - San Diego, CA - Lestats SAN DIEGO TICKETS

Saturday, September 29th - Los Angeles, CA - Key Club (main stage) LOS ANGELES TICKETS 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012



It's a grey morning at the lake, so before I jump headfirst into the day's work, I'm out on the porch drinking coffee and listening to lake sounds (which may or may not include a monster of some sort... the city has made me forget what certain birds sound like... if it's a bird... probably a monster).

I also thought I'd catch up on the old blog. Which means that there might be another post today since I've been such a slacker on this. Twice in a day might be a blogging faux pas, but as you know - I do what I want.

For this post, I thought I'd show you some green rooms. Lots of people want to get backstage as if it's some mythical land - full of booze, naked women, and partying. As you have seen in the past - I am the bubble burster. I tell you guys all sorts of things you'd probably rather keep in your mind as much cooler than it actually is! I dispel cool myths and I'm sorry! REALLY, in these venues, we're lucky if we have a couch. A couch that you aren't even sure you want to sit on. Wait - first of all - we're lucky if we have a green room period. Occasionally they give us beer - which Ron won't drink before a show since it messes up his voice... so the partying? Not so much. I'm pretty sure Kyle and I take the most advantage of the beer.  I WILL say that it does get better the bigger the venue gets, but as far as it concerns most of your favorite cool bands... this is it for now! So, why don't you guys go ahead and make Ron more popular already?! If not for him - do it for me. I'd like a more comfortable space to hang out in during the show. DO IT FOR ME.

and as you can see - on occasion I take photos of my feet or in a mirror. FUN.

Enjoy your day! As for me, I'm off to work and to re-watch the girls winning gymnastics olympic gold all day. ALL DAY!