Monday, September 3, 2012

missing in action

... are ideas of what to blog about. I guess that means it really is time to go back out on the road? SIGH. MAJOR SIGH. I just got back to New York and now I have to leave again! At least I've been able to squeeze in some visits with my favorite people and demolish my favorite foods (or some of them... 5 days is much too quick to get them all in). 

For this post, I'm going to take the opportunity to pimp out my instagram. If you follow me, you'll get to see all sorts of fun pictures of the guys, various cities, and my face that I don't post on the blog. 

So, give me a follow, why dontcha? username: dancepanda (duh)

While I'm on the topic of blog topics. Do you guys have anything in particular you want me to write about? Anything you're curious about or want to know? I know I did a Q & A sesh a while back, but didn't know if there was anything else you wanted to see on here from me... since we all know I do what YOU want sometimes. You guys are such slave drivers. But I love you anyway. Thanks for reading and sticking around. 



  1. the question on everybody's mind is:
    how bout them vols?

    1. RIGHT?! Cheered them on from NYC last Friday. I thought we looked pretty good!
