Monday, September 3, 2012

are you joking me????


Dear -

No. No. No. No. No. WHO MADE THIS? DID YOU? I would like to find the person who made this lovely little tutorial, go to their house, steal their shoes and car, and tell them it's fine because it's legal - I saw it on the internet, so it must be so! They can thank me later!

I fully understand that a lot of people are clever enough to find out on their own how to do this little trick... but to PROMOTE STEALING MUSIC ON YOUR BLOG? This is NOT legal. If the artist did not give it to you or tell you that you can go somewhere to download the music... then no, it is NOT legal. You are stealing. If someone told you how to take the security tags off clothes "legally" and walk out of the store without paying... would you do it? No. You know better.

If you can't afford to buy something - guess what - YOU CAN'T HAVE IT. Remember that time I went into a Mercedes dealership and drove off with a free car just 'cause I wanted it & thought it should be free? NO.

When making an album becomes free, we'll give it away for free.

I won't go on (more of) a rant... it's been done enough. I'm just shocked people are actually this dumb.


Dance- tothemothereffin-PANDA


  1. i agree on what the writer on this blog want to tell to the readers. security tag

  2. Dear Dancepanda.

    This is weandserendipity speaking. I wanted to apologize. My last semester of college, my room mates taught me this way & I asked if it was legal. "Yes! It is! Because YouTube already copyrighted that material." I was completely COMPLETELY out of line by believing them & being so naive to actually think this was legal. I made that post to help people out & totally didn't think more about it. After getting an email or two of people disagreeing with me, I did my research & couldn't believe how stupid I could be to believe it was 'legal.' No. It isn't. I immediately deleted the post & it is circulating around Pinterest, STILL. I wanted to explain myself because really, I'm not "that dumb."

    PS--good for you to be traveling around..with your band. Music & traveling are the top of my passions. Cheers.

    1. Hey Amanda! Sorry my wrath was pointed at you. Yes, I did stumble on this tutorial on Pinterest... pinned by one of my friends no less... and had a minor heart attack. I'm sure you didn't mean any harm - everyone just needs to get educated on this. If we don't pay for our music... eventually there won't be anymore music! The music industry is already in a bad enough place. Anyhoo.... sorry again; glad you're on the right side of the fence now :)

