Wednesday, December 26, 2012

ready, set, go.

It's happening again. Once again, it's our last night in New York and I'm trying to stuff my life into a suitcase no bigger than a back pack. Each time we do a massive trip I downsize in luggage from the trip before... you just start to realize how little you REALLY need to get by.  So this new little gem is a "boarding bag" and allows just enough room for the basics + an extra or two... and I'll be using it for three months abroad. Eeeek! After the tour we'll be working on the new record and getting things in line for the release next year. I'm excited beyond words, but of course have a little anxiety as well. I've never left for 3 months and the thought of not seeing my family and friends for that long makes my heart sad. 

The adventure is just beginning! I'll try to keep this updated as much as possible - so check in often. If you don't already, go ahead and follow me on twitter (@dancepanda) as that will surely be updated more than this. 

And as always - come see us if you're in one of these cities!


  1. Ah, so much Of me wants to say, "Don't go!", but the rest of me (the part that gave you your wings) says, "Seize this adventure and hold on! You're getting to do things that so many others only dream of doing and making memories for a lifetime." Stay safe, my sweet girl; we'll be patiently waiting for your return. Oh, and "remember who you are"! XOXO

  2. I agree with Mompanda. You are living the dreams of so many people and have the opportunity to make memories with the love of your life. You will be greatly missed back home. Remember whatever you forge,t you just go to the store and buy it. Always let your light shine. Travel safely. Love you.

  3. I think your friends and family need to plan their own European adventures and meet up with you at different points along the way! Then you get the best of both. :-)
