Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Hey party people.

If you follow me on anything or know me personally, you are probably aware that we're going back on the road in just over two weeks! Excitement! I honestly have some mixed emotions on this fact, but I do love seeing your singing faces at the shows. If you haven't seen tour dates yet - you best get on that HERE

SO - down to business. I need a new camera bag. I know it sounds boring, but it's not, I swear. Well, maybe it is, but I still need your help. If you aren't aware, people are making all sorts of purse-like bags that protect the cam gear AND can double as a purse if they are made functionally enough. I'm not talking go out in my cutest outfit purse, but can 100% work for a show night. They make them for boys too, but at the moment I only care about myself. But I can't pick... help! Narrowed down to the following:

#1 is ginormous, but incredibly functional; #2 is cute, small, & functional, but I don't love the flap; #3 is pretty great; #4 is the cheapest, but doesn't look like it could really double as a purse; #5 can hold my laptop AND camera gear AND can be a back pack BUT is the most expensive... also that one isn't very purse like... but I think I could make it work.

whatdoya think? comment/email/facebook. and go! 


  1. I like #3.

    I have been putting my camera in a neoprene case which I can then throw into any purse I want without worrying about it getting damaged.


  2. Love these!!! I would say number 5 since it holds a laptop too. It's definitely nice to have that with you as well.
    How many lenses do you typically use? If number 5 is too big then number 3 would be next! Can't wait to see what you choose.

    1. I usually have 2 lenses on me + a flash.

    2. I would go with #5 then! That way you will have to laptop with you and you can upload photos :) John Pope makes a good point but if there are separate compartments, then 5 is the one!

  3. I vote 3. I was leaning towards 2, but... 3 just seems more versatile.

  4. Anything with separate compartments for each thing is good so they don't clang together. I don't recommend number 5 for that reason.

  5. I like 5 -- it looks like a messenger bag, can hold a lot of your gear, and seems like it would be easy to carry around. :-)

  6. Clearly the only one, but I love #4 and think it can totes be used as a purse.

  7. I like #5 the best. It has separate compartments and seems to be the most functional. And...it's not THAT much more expensive! I also like #1, though! :)
