I know... I leave for NYC in 4 days. Crunch time.
So speaking of that - you know I'll be taking a zillion pics & telling you about our adventures, but the fabulous Kyle McCammon (Ron's bass player) is going to be doing a little photo-a-day proj & I highly suggest you follow.
search him out on instagram and follow his tumblr: kylemccammon.tumblr.com/ Got that? good.
Quoting his tumblr exactly:
I’m starting a Portrait of the Day project on the upcoming Across the Yard Tour with Ron Pope. To help kick off the project I’m posting this picture of Carl Garofalo on his birthday! Happy Birthday Carl!!!
In addition to posting a portrait everyday, I’m going to be posting a little bit about the person and a link to follow them. I’m always amazed by the vastly different and interesting people you can meet across the country so, I’m excited to share that experience with you all.
Follow Carl on Twitter
Get your tickets for a show near you!
Also, make sure to check out the opening acts.
Sep 5th-29th
Megan Tonjes
Oct 15th-27th
Jesse Ruben